
Bringing the world’s diversity agenda to England

Underlying each is provision of educational opportunities. At the root of
It is important to realise that these reforms are the creating of a diversity agenda in
each reform is the key assumption that there is no reason why government and localauthority
bodies should deliver education – even if it is assumed that the government
should fund it. We have social benefits so that people can afford food and clothing, but
the government does not run food and clothing stores; and indeed everyone benefits from
having a large and diverse number of outlets providing these goods.

As we have seen, the overwhelming majority of European governments adopt this same
strategy in education, giving at least some measure of support to non-state education
providers – often small, parent-led learning initiatives. In England and Wales the
proposals here will help to:
-Break down the social apartheid between state and private sectors,
-Expand the diversity agenda more rapidly than might be possible by attempts at statesector  
-Provide innovative approaches that in turn will stimulate state schools to adopt new

1 comment:

  1. Education system need to flexible time to time so even the countries which has the best education system in the world need to face the fact and keep on improving their system.

