
Advantages in Studying in Australia

Comparing to Malaysia’s education system, education system in Australia is far better. We can see that the method of teaching is different from our country. Lessons are made fun and creative, thus there is interaction between the teacher and students. Parents are free to share or make comments on the teaching methods and amendments will be taken according to the needs of the students. If we compare to our country’s system, some teachers would be going into classes and read the lessons from the book and there are no interactions between students and teachers. On the other hand, the parent society in our country’s schools is not strong enough. Therefore there are fewer ideas to help improve schools in educating their children.

Another thing that is good about the education system in Australia is the Digital Education Revolution in Australia. The government has allocated funds to upgrade secondary schools in Australia by providing them new technology equipments, thus supplying schools with high speed broadband so that internet can be used by everyone. Teaching materials and tools can be obtained via online hence developing professional learning through ICT. Parents also can participate in their children’s online learning.



  1. Hah, another thing that makes a child's learning progress successful - parent's role. If parents keep track of what their kids doing, their kids won't lose out.


  2. If a government give importance to parents and students opinions like how the governmnet of Australia do, we can to improve our education system. Malaysian government should be more flexible in terms of education policies, we should see how other contries work to improve their education system from time to time.


  3. Peoples views on Education system specificly need to be heard by the government and the views need to be taken into account.


  4. Even in Malaysia, we have the Digital education but it was not utilised well, specifically in primary and secondary school level. I think we can do more with the facilities we have currently.

